Posted by: faithathletics | September 2, 2012

Pre Race Meal! Out of the Box

Last weekend, I raced an Olympic distance triathlon in Clearlake TX. does a great job of putting on their events, in my opinion.  Greg puts a lot of time and effort in, with the athlete in mind. 


Our family eats primary vegan/vegetarian so the ability to load up on carbohydrates is not an issue.  For athletes, carbo-loading is never really an issue either.  We as Americans eat so many carbohydrates to load up can often cause the athlete to be sluggish.   I’ve adopter a new strategy the night before a race. 



The Salmon (wild caught,) provides high quality protein and fat (This is the Alton Brown pan seared salmon fillet recipe).  The roasted potatoes provide a health starch, and the steamed broccoli and cauliflower is balanced with fat, carbs and protein and the vitamin c.  


Do you have a favorite pre-race meal?

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