Posted by: faithathletics | January 23, 2013

MS150 Training Plan Houston to Austin

Take the guesswork out of your training plan! Life is too hectic to think about your training, so let me do it for you. Hundreds have followed this plan to success you can be next.   The Plan is only $14.95

1. Go to Training Peaks and set up a free account

2. Go to “store” and search ”tlsports MS150” you will have two options a long route and a short route

3. Add the plan you want to cart.

4. The plan will be listed on the left of your page under “plans”, click on the plan and apply.

5. The plan will automatically post in your calendar

6. An Optional Email Setting: go to your settings on the top right side to have your workout emailed to you every day, just adjust the time you want it sent to you.

7. Smartphone users: Go to the iPhone store or Play Store and search for “training peaks” and download it for free. Do this after you set up your account online.

8. Type in the same information you use for the online version.

9. Now Work out!

Note: LSR stands for Long Slow Ride, basically this means 75% or lower heart rate or RPE (rate of perceived exertion) #5 or lower.

Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale

0 Nothing at all

0.5 Very, very weak

1 Very weak
2 Weak
3 Moderate
4 Somewhat strong
5 Strong

7 Very strong
10 Very, very strong


Posted by: faithathletics | December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

There is no Christmas without Christ.  Have a blessed day!

Posted by: faithathletics | October 2, 2012

7 Practical and Easy Ways To Clean Up Your Diet

Most of the people I see and deal with on a daily basis are not top athletes. Their struggles with food are much different than a top athlete, mainly because they don’t have to micro manage their daily eating habit “Diet”. I don’t like using the term “diet” because we start to think of all the crazy weight loss infomercials we see on TV all the time. This post is mostly for the every day person looking for ways to make some positive changes to their daily eating habits that will result in a healthier YOU!

You can’t open a magazine or watch TV now without being sucked in by all the hubbub of Paleo, Vegan and gluten free. We will not talk about those topics today. Rather, I am just going to give you seven practical points to help you better manage your daily eating habits that will guarantee you success as you restart or start your “healthier YOU” journey.


  1. Add more fresh vegetables to your plate. Variety is the key – try something new.


  1. Add in more raw fruit, eat an apple instead of a candy bar.


  1. Cut out all white flour. It has no nutritional value other than the junk they put back in once they strip it down.


  1. Do everything you can to remove boxed foods from your house. They are loaded with sugar, unhealthy chemicals and salt. The only exception is frozen raw veggies and fruit.


  1. Stop using the microwave as much as possible. This reduces radiation in your food and helps maintain good bacteria in your food, which is needed for adequate digestion.


  1. Add in some Yogurt and/or Kefir. Buy no sugar added and add frozen fresh fruit for sweetness.


  1. Sleep, you need more…this will help reduce the cortisol levels in your body, which will help you manage your weight much easier.

Click here for information about an in-home assessment and shopping tour to help your family kick start the process of being a healthier YOU!

Posted by: faithathletics | September 18, 2012

Don’t Stop Loving What You Love

My daily commute to and from work is anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour each way.  My smart phone has prompted me to start using this time to make my car a university.  I listen to podcasts of all topics and I even listen to my bible. 

Tonight, I was listening to an interview with Ultra runner Michelle Barton who lives in So-Cal.  The thing I loved about her infectious personality, was that fact she LOVED running.  She feels that running is part of her life.  She rarely wears a watch and never wears a GPS. Her explanation is that she just loves to run and the timing device seem to distract from that love. It’s refreshing to hear that perspective!  

She got me thinking. Some of us that race, we far to often get caught up with the race and we forget the reason we race. We love doing it. The same thing goes for those that are people of faith.  Ask yourself this question, do you attend church week to week because you HAVE to or because you GET to?  I hope it’s because you get to.

Don’t stop loving your first love.   

Posted by: faithathletics | September 11, 2012

Race Report: Houston Oaks Triathlon

Sunday was the first annual Houston Oaks Triathlon in Hockley, a small community outside of Houston. For a first race, I thought it went very well. TruTri Sports and Houston Oaks put on the event.

IMAG0293Keith Co-owner of TruTri

I finished thirteen in my age group, which is not what made me happy. It was the way I ran. A few weeks ago, I bonked on the run so bad. In that race, after a quarter mile, I just did not have it and the next six miles seemed like an eternity. This week it was like night and day.

I came out of the water a little winded, which I expected given I did not put much emphasis on that discipline this season. I got to T1 and noticed my Garmin GPS was dead. I should have charged it. Immediately, I knew I had to ride by feel. After all these years of racing, I know how I feel when I’m on the bike. The bike segment could have been a little better but I was ok with the results overall. With no idea of time or heart rate, I moved from T2 to the run and felt pretty good. I started a little slow for the first ¼ mile then found a rhythm. I had a little water and or sports drink at the aid stations and a couple of gels.  Overall I felt pretty good.


The run has always been a struggle for me, so to run all 8k without walking at all, I was very pleased.

If any of you are familiar with post race food you can guess the options, pizza, fruit cookies etc. Not here! Breakfast tacos, fruit, lemonade, tea and water. For me, it was a nice change of pace. However a few cookies would have been nice.


Over all, it was a good experience and I look forward to doing this race again.  I would only make a few suggestions.  We needed a little light in transitions, it was so dark and they need some sound over by the swim start for prerace meeting. 

Great job guys! 

Posted by: faithathletics | September 2, 2012

Pre Race Meal! Out of the Box

Last weekend, I raced an Olympic distance triathlon in Clearlake TX. does a great job of putting on their events, in my opinion.  Greg puts a lot of time and effort in, with the athlete in mind. 


Our family eats primary vegan/vegetarian so the ability to load up on carbohydrates is not an issue.  For athletes, carbo-loading is never really an issue either.  We as Americans eat so many carbohydrates to load up can often cause the athlete to be sluggish.   I’ve adopter a new strategy the night before a race. 



The Salmon (wild caught,) provides high quality protein and fat (This is the Alton Brown pan seared salmon fillet recipe).  The roasted potatoes provide a health starch, and the steamed broccoli and cauliflower is balanced with fat, carbs and protein and the vitamin c.  


Do you have a favorite pre-race meal?

Posted by: faithathletics | August 24, 2012

Starting Over

Sorry for not posting in such a long time. Life has really been crazy.  It’s time to get refocused and back on task. My goal is to post one article a week minimum. 


Like before, the topics will differ from week to week but they will all have some type of athletics tie-in. We will talk training, triathlon, family, responsibility, God, health, wellness and I will also be posting food ideas along with some recipes. 

The objective is to help YOU be a better YOU.       

Start looking for a new post very soon! Blessings

Posted by: faithathletics | July 4, 2012


Smoothie avocado strawberries cherries bananas almonds chia and pineapples


Posted by: faithathletics | July 30, 2011

It’s your first triathlon. What should you expect?

It’s your first triathlon. What should you expect? One of my athletes is competing in his first tri this weekend. During our conversation this week, he had some really good questions. I thought they might help you when you are prepping for any triathlon, especially your first.

Bike mount and dismount: do they have a line? Yes, not only will they have a line, but should also have dedicated volunteers to remind you and direct you as you mount and dismount your bike.

Pool Swim: will they let you have a swim warm up? In most cases, yes! I advise you to arrive a little early to the event so you can set up and have ample time to get a short warm up swim in.

Do I rack my bike anywhere or do they have a designated place? Yes, they have a designated space or area for you! Every triathlon I’ve attended, the race staff marks each row to indicate which race numbers should be on that row. *Read your race packet carefully because some races allow you to race your bike anywhere on that row while other events require you to rack your bike on the space pre-assigned and marked.

Are there hydration stations? Yes, water stations will be located at the swim exit, run exit and every mile after until the end of the race.

Please clarify the zone & passing rules.
USAT Drafting Rules:
Drafting–keep at least three bike lengths of clear space between you and the cyclist in front. If you move into the zone, you must pass within 15 seconds.
Position–keep to the right hand side of the lane of travel unless passing.
Blocking–riding on the left side of the lane without passing anyone and interfering with other cyclists attempting to pass.
Overtaken–once passed, you must immediately exit the draft zone from the rear, before attempting to pass again.
Drafting Penalty: Variable time penalty

Personal Note:
Helmets: Put it on first when you arrive at your bike after the swim; take it off first after you rack your bike.
USAT Rules:
Only helmets approved by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) may be used in USAT sanctioned events. Helmets must be worn at all times while on your bike. This means before, during, and after the event.
Penalty: Disqualification


Posted by: faithathletics | July 22, 2011

Is Your Job Slowly Killing You?

We do not really know the exact reason for the surge in obesity rates in the U.S. since there have not been too many longitudinal studies in this area. This particular 5 year study examined how trends in activity at work may be related to the increase in obesity since we all know it is not just about how much we eat.

What has been noticed over the past several years is that more and more people are working in service industries instead of labor oriented type jobs. In the 1960’s almost 50% of private industry required at least moderate intensity physical activity and now than less than 20% require this type of activity. This has created a decrease in caloric burn by more than 100 calories in both men and women per day. Calculate that out for 5 days per week for the normal work week, multiply that by 50 weeks out of the year (taking into account 2 weeks for vacation) and you have about a 7.0 lb per year weight gain just from jobs made easier over the years. So bottom line…move more and eat healthy.

Church, Timothy S., et al. “Trends Over 5 Decades in U.S. Occupation-Related Physical Activity and Their Associations with Obesity.” Fitness Journal, June 2011.

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